The sheer wonderment when opening a package that contains candles that you are truly excited to get has finally ended and the conclusion is simple. These candles make me happy. They make me happy because for a while this house is going to be full of sweet smells that I don't have to slave in the kitchen to acquire and ambiance.
Like I mentioned in my reviews on the other two scents in the HomeWorx Truffle candles trio, these containers are just fabulous. The plaid labels that they put around appear to be opaque when in reality they aren't. What does that mean? When the candles inside are lit and burning there is a beautiful glow emitting from the candle. It's ambiance and to me it is stunning.
HomeWorx Sparkling Pink Truffle is no exception. In fact, in my opinion, this candle exceeds the usual visual appeal with the label design and of course it is all about the color.
Pinks and browns wrap this candle up in warm and cheery look that I personally love. It's feminine without being frilly and froo froo. When I look at this container design I see white poodles in designer sweaters and colorful, falling leaves. Walking your dog in the park on a cool autumn afternoon. I was initially surprised by that but when side by side with the rest of the trio, it simply makes sense.
The cold smell on Sparkling Pink Truffle resulted in a smile for me. I've smelled this before but with the listed scent notes, I'm a bit perplexed. The scent notes for this candle are described as sparkling wine, sugared ginger, white chocolate and raspberry liquor. On cold smell to me it smells like sugary bubblegum. The old HubbaBubba gum blocks from childhood to be exact. I get the same notes in my nose from the candle that I did from the gum when I was a child. Funny thing is that those scent notes in the gum was the main reason that I loved it so much and I guarantee there was no wine or liquor in it.
Size and weight wise this candle is the same as the other two in the set. It is in that wonderful, heavy, thick glass that I love. Burn time is also 30 to 55 hours.
The wicks are the same. Stout and good. Again this candle does mushroom when burnt but to me, that's really not that big of a deal but I know to some other candle lovers, mushrooming is something they want to avoid.
So, what about the throw and how does it burn? Those are of course two of the most important things that we need to know.
This candle was placed in the usual spot for the review burn. The bookcase at the end of the hallway. After I lit the wicks, I expected to smell the intense throw that Chocolate Espresso gifted to me earlier but unfortunately, that didn't happen. The throw on this candle can be described as not as much as I expected. I hate to say it but when I burn this one in the future it will have to be in a small space for this one to even have a chance at completely permeating the air.
On this burn I got puffs of scent on occasion.
What scent is there doesn't change much either. I was in the office getting some work done when the first cloud of scent wandered into the room and said hello to me. It's still that sugary sweet bubblegum and I love it. I just wish that it would accept my invitation to hover in the room for the entire duration of burning but unfortunately those scent clouds are inclined to keep moving away from me.
The burn was beautiful. The pink wax pools perfectly
Take a peek at the burn video for this candle and you'll see what I mean...
Like I mentioned in my reviews on the other two scents in the HomeWorx Truffle candles trio, these containers are just fabulous. The plaid labels that they put around appear to be opaque when in reality they aren't. What does that mean? When the candles inside are lit and burning there is a beautiful glow emitting from the candle. It's ambiance and to me it is stunning.
HomeWorx Sparkling Pink Truffle is no exception. In fact, in my opinion, this candle exceeds the usual visual appeal with the label design and of course it is all about the color.
Pinks and browns wrap this candle up in warm and cheery look that I personally love. It's feminine without being frilly and froo froo. When I look at this container design I see white poodles in designer sweaters and colorful, falling leaves. Walking your dog in the park on a cool autumn afternoon. I was initially surprised by that but when side by side with the rest of the trio, it simply makes sense.
The cold smell on Sparkling Pink Truffle resulted in a smile for me. I've smelled this before but with the listed scent notes, I'm a bit perplexed. The scent notes for this candle are described as sparkling wine, sugared ginger, white chocolate and raspberry liquor. On cold smell to me it smells like sugary bubblegum. The old HubbaBubba gum blocks from childhood to be exact. I get the same notes in my nose from the candle that I did from the gum when I was a child. Funny thing is that those scent notes in the gum was the main reason that I loved it so much and I guarantee there was no wine or liquor in it.
Size and weight wise this candle is the same as the other two in the set. It is in that wonderful, heavy, thick glass that I love. Burn time is also 30 to 55 hours.
The wicks are the same. Stout and good. Again this candle does mushroom when burnt but to me, that's really not that big of a deal but I know to some other candle lovers, mushrooming is something they want to avoid.
So, what about the throw and how does it burn? Those are of course two of the most important things that we need to know.
On this burn I got puffs of scent on occasion.
What scent is there doesn't change much either. I was in the office getting some work done when the first cloud of scent wandered into the room and said hello to me. It's still that sugary sweet bubblegum and I love it. I just wish that it would accept my invitation to hover in the room for the entire duration of burning but unfortunately those scent clouds are inclined to keep moving away from me.
The burn was beautiful. The pink wax pools perfectly
Take a peek at the burn video for this candle and you'll see what I mean...
Final Thoughts and Will I Buy it Again?
My conclusion after burning the final of the three candles in this HomeWorx candle set is that I do like them. Granted two of them are not as strong in scent as I would really like, that Chocolate Espresso sealed the deal for me because it makes the entire house smell so delicious.
The set is available exclusively on QVC for what seems to recently be a consistent price of $49.90 plus $7.00 for shipping and handling. I don't understand WHY anywhere charges shipping anymore let alone handling but OK we can be stuck in a 1990's infomercial if they want to. So, to rephrase that more accurately, the trio of HomeWorx Truffle Candles will set you back $56.90.
I would buy them again and probably will pick up a third set but I'll wait until the price drops a bit before I do. I definitely think they are worth the money, you just have to know exactly what you are buying. With this set you are getting one candle that scent up a cathedral, one that could scent up the average size apartment living room and one that will work in a 10' by 10' bedroom or bathroom.
All of the scents are very pleasant in my opinion but then again, you have to remember that I personally adore bakery type scents when it comes to my candles. That Chocolate Espresso is the BOMB.
Well, that's really all I have to say about this candle trio. If you have any questions about this set, let me know! Do you have these candles? If you do, share your thoughts on the Sparkling Pink Truffle scent below.
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