I'm not sure if these were in the stores yet when I purchased 2 of these online. They were on sale and I had a 20% off any online order one time use coupon code that I was able to use which made this candle $10.36 when I purchased it.
My order was 2 of this candle, one Toasted Vanilla Chai (which I have already reviewed here) and one Hot Cocoa and Cream.
We will start from the outside and work our way in. First, the lid on this candle. It is shiny (it was hard to get the shine in the photos) and reminds me of the Homeworx shine that a fly could leave fingerprints on. That's not a complaint by any means. It's an observation that people with OCD when it comes to fingerprints and smudges on shiny stuff, like me, might want to be aware of.
The lid is decorated with a nice, straight to the point Christmas tree. Nothing too fancy but not hokey either. I think the lid fits the candle's theme nicely.
Starting from the left there are a line of Christmas trees inside a snow globe sitting on a wood table. As you work your way around the label, it turns into a cozy indoor scene when you get to the right of the candle name. A fire blazing in the fireplace with stockings hung for Santa. On one of the ottomans in the room of course there are two glasses of what appears to be eggnog waiting to be enjoyed. I like the label on this one. It's cute.

Now we'll move to the inside.
As I always say, the scent notes listed and what each person actually smells can be completely different. I don't pay any real attention to the listed scent notes for my reviews but the website does list the notes on this one as:
- Spiced Eggnog
- Vanilla Burbon
- Rich Buttercream
- Shaved Nutmeg
On cold smell, this candle is rich. Like sugary rich. It is 100% bakery to the nines. I smelled butter, sugar and vanilla. It was like diving head first into a sweet iced sugar cookie. The after scent does have the eggnog in it but it's definitely not the top scent on cold smell. The eggnog scent was a little late to the party, but it did show up.
Butter Rum Eggnog made me want to grab a spoon and dig in.
What about when the candle is lit? Well... that changes things a bit with this one.
I was really disappointed with the first burn on this candle, but the second burn the next day was so much better. I'm glad I gave it a second shot before doing the review.
The second burn took place in the usual spot, the bookcase in the hallway in the center of the house.

I can say without a doubt that the Bath & Body Works Butter Rum Eggnog candle burns much better the second time around. The scent wasn't as intense as it is on cold smell but after about 30 minutes, I noticed that sugary, buttery, vanilla eggnog scent drifting through the house. It's NOT sickening strong, but it does travel. The best way that I can describe it is that the scent is like a whisper in the background. It's soft but it's definitely there and it drifted into the surrounding rooms.
So in a nutshell, the scent is soft but there's enough of it that it does travel. I was very pleased with the second chance burn. The throw improved and the candle smelled delicious.
Finally, let's talk about the wicks really quick before we go. They mushroom. Badly. Like portabella big enough for a sandwich bad. I trimmed them before starting this burn and they mushroomed bad enough the second time that two lost their tops into the wax. That doesn't bother me but I know something like that could really annoy some people so I wanted to make sure I mentioned it.
Just like all Bath & Body Works candle wicks, they are sturdy. They don't move around once the wax pools and the candle is in full blown burn. The mushrooming is really the only issue that I can see with them and I have no idea why they would do that so badly in this candle.
Final Thoughts and Will I Buy it Again?
I really like this candle very much. I love the scent and I do love the subtleness of it. It isn't "in your face" like some candles that have the same type of sweet scent. It's like walking into a kitchen when there is a batch of sugar cookies in the oven. It's quite pleasant to say the least.
I will definitely buy this one again. I purchased two the first time around but will also be adding this one to my list for a repeat purchase in the near future.
There will be a full video review for this candle so be watching for it!
Do you have the Bath & Body Works Butter Rum Eggnog candle in your stash? Or are you planning on buying it soon? Let me know your thoughts below!
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