Bath and Body Works Waikiki Beach Coconut Three Wick Candle Review

I have to admit that I was a bit excited when I saw a Waikiki Beach candle.  I've vacationed there a couple of times and can tell you without a doubt that the air and ambiance in Hawaii is nothing like it is in Indiana.  I absolutely adore Oahu and will be venturing back there at least one more time before I take my unavoidable dirt nap that will eventually catch up with me.

Now, I have no illusions of this candle smelling like the air does in Hawaii.  What I'm looking for and expecting from this one is the essence of Waikiki Beach.  Something that is going to remind me of that place and the time that I spent there.

Today is the perfect day for this candle burn.  It is chilly, windy and rainy outside.  We are on the cusp of spring and I have gown weary of winter scents today.  Normally I like them right up till the end but today just seemed like a good day for a candle that, if done right, will take me back to someplace warm that I really like.

I purchased this candle from the Bath and Body Works website last week.  Normally I don't go for their new "sale" price of $14.50 because I think for the quality of the majority of their candles that you just don't get your money's worth anymore.  I didn't even know this candle existed until they drew me into the website with a free $28 package of items and free shipping.  Once I saw it, I was all over it.

The screen shot is from today and today this candle is at a $24.50 price point and that would be a HUGE NO thank you.  I have yet to experience a candle from Bath and Body works that gave me $24.50 in performance.

Starting with the outside of the candle and working our way in, this is a 14.5 ounce candle with a listed burn time of up to 40 hours.  All of the Bath & Body Works three wick candles are.

The label on the outside is just gorgeous.  It wraps all the way around the candle and should be easy to remove once the candle is spent for anyone that recycles their candle jars like I do.  I'm not 100% sure that the photo is of Diamond Head but it really does remind me of it.  To me, that's all I need.  I really do like the label on this candle.

Moving on to the lid, I think they made a great choice with this one as well.  It is the gold tone lid with the large palm leaves in raised metal.  A very nice addition to the beachy theme of the candle.

There is of course the rubber ring on the inside of the lid that I've never been really sure why it is there but have always taken a guess.  My guess is that it is so the scent doesn't escape the candle when it isn't being used.  So it doesn't dry out.  Don't quote me on that but that's my guess on why the plastic rings are always inside of candle lids.  If it wasn't for that, I'd complain about some brands because they can make it to where you feel like you need a screwdriver to pry the lid off.

The wicks on this candle appear to be a bit smaller than on some B&BW candles that I have burned in the past.  I'm not sure what that means for the burn, yet but some candles do a lot better performance wise with the smaller wicks so we shall see.

The wax is, as you can see, snow white.  Just like the flesh of a fresh coconut.

I would have expected some sort of coconut scent to be in this candle even if it weren't in the name.  On cold smell, the coconut is definitely there and it's a bit loud.  If you don't like coconut you would want to pass on this one.

The floral tone is strong too.  It's not in your face but it is standing up and waving at you like it's afraid you are going to miss its presence.  It blends really well with the coconut.  Like peas and carrots.  There is also a bit of sweet fruitiness to it.  Cold smell is really nice on this one and I was hoping that the scent while burning would be just as nice.

I was a bit shocked when I read the scent notes on this one because the only thing that seems to match is the coconut.

The posted scent notes on this candle are:

  • tropical white coconut
  • saltwater breeze
  • sun bleached woods
Huh?  No.  I don't get the saltwater breeze at all.  I know that ocean water has a smell to it but it isn't in this candle.  I don't get any woody scent out of it either.  Even after setting this candle on fire.

The first burn for this one was on the bookcase in my odd shaped and long hallway.  I usually do the first burn on a candle there because it gives me a pretty good idea on how far the scent will travel.

The candle pooled out, almost completely, within the first hour of burning it.  There was only one sliver of wax left at the edge and it disappeared at about the 1 hour, 15 minute mark.

The scent started appearing sometime between the 30 minute and 1 hour of burn time.  I noticed it lingering in the bathroom at about the 2 hour mark and that's pretty impressive for a Bath and Body Works three wick candle.

When the candle is burning, the scent really didn't change much and I like that about this one.  Still the same coconut and floral scent.  That creamy, warm, pollen scent of tropical flowers gets me every time and I do love it.  It is very present in this candle and when lit, the balance takes hold and you get equal parts of the coconut and floral.

The burns afterward were in my office because they had to be because I love the scent.  I let it go for about 4 hours, blew it out, let the wax reset and lit it again.  When it was burning in the office the scent traveled out into the hallway.  Nice!

Waikiki Beach Coconut has a pretty good scent release.  It was a little slow out of the gate but definitely made up for it once it got going.  The scent does remind me of Oahu but then again, because of the name of the candle it is possible that it's a placebo effect.  Even if it is, I'm OK with that because I have good memories of that place from each time I've been there.  It's nice to shake off the winter blahs!

My Final Thoughts and Will I Buy This Candle Again?

For the second candle in a row, B&BW has pleasantly surprised me.  I do like it.  It burns well.  It smells fantastic and the scent release or throw, which ever one you want to call it, isn't bad at all.  It traveled well in the hallway when burning there.  When I moved it, the candle filled the office, even spilling out into the hallway a bit.

Now I do not think this candle would do well in an open concept floor plan.  I'm not convinced there.  The scent that this candle puts off isn't strong enough that it is screaming for your attention.  It's a little more substantial than a whisper, but is definitely using its inside voice when it comes to scent.  You can easily go nose blind to it.  For a bedroom or enclosed room there is a lot of yes in it but that's as far as I'd push it.

It did have some trouble getting started but that can happen with these candles.  It's what happens after that really counts in my book and this candle did very well.

I would buy this one again but I'm a bit hesitant to say I'd pay the $14.50 "sale" price without complaining about it.  I'd definitely snag it at that price with a coupon or a free item attached, no doubt in my mind there.  I just really don't want to say that it is worth $14.50 because I'm not 100% sure that it is.

What I do know is that my second box containing three more Bath and Body Works candles that I purchased to try and review came in the mail yesterday.  Along with the second freebie.  So what does that mean?  That means there are more reviews coming.

The next one is Honeysuckle and I am really looking forward to it too.

Until next time my friends...

Bath and Body Works Ocean Driftwood Three Wick Candle Review

After reviewing the Homeworx version of Driftwood, I decided to take the plunge into the Bath & Body Works version to see if it would be even half as good.  You have some big expectations to meet there B&BW because the Homeworx version wasn't half bad at all.

Now, the regular "sale" price on Bath and Body Works candles for some reason has increased to $14.50 since the first of the year.  Their laughable regular price is $24.50.  Who buys Bath and Body Works candles for $24.50?  I have yet to find a B&BW candle that I believe is really worth that "sale" price.  Throw into the price mix that I rarely visit their stores because I'm lazy.  I end up ordering online so I always pay for shipping and to me that adds to the price of every item in the box.  I can say with complete confidence that I won't be purchasing many of their candles in the future unless they wet my beak a bit more because I don't like feeling like I'm not getting my moneys worth from any company out there.

Wow.  That was a bit catty.  Sorry... kind of.

I have recently placed 2 orders though because they did wet my beak with a code for free shipping and freebies added to the mix with the $14.50 "sale" price.  It was difficult but I caved and purchased a total of 6 new candles.  You are going to see each one of them over the next couple of weeks here and over on my YouTube channel.

On to the Ocean Driftwood review because that's really what you are here for.

Let's start with the outside and work our way in with this candle.

I do like the label on this candle.  It's very summer and of course it is beachy.  The label wraps all the way around the candle container and features a lot of sand with vertical pieces of old wood.  I know there's a name for it but I have no idea what it is called.  I'm land locked in Indiana so it's not one of the things that I'm really all that familiar with.  :)

The label appears to be easily removable for recycling the candle jar once the candle has burned all the way.  I like that because I do recycle a lot of my candle jars.

The lid on this candle is also nice.  It is a gold color with embossed palm leaves.  Very fitting for the island, beach theme that they have going on with this candle.

All Bath & Body works three wick candles are 14.5 ounces with a listed burn time of up to 45 hours.

I seriously spaced it on taking my regular photos with this candle and for that, I have to apologize.  I was really wanting to burn it so I lit it within an hour of its arrival and photos just didn't cross my mind.  I brain cramped out.  Fail.  Sorry.

As a result there is no photo of this candle's wicks before they were lit for burning.

The wicks on this candle do of course mushroom so you'll want to take a tissue or something to lightly pull them off before burning after the first go round.  Otherwise you will end up with a peppery looking wax pool while it is burning.

I say this in every review and this one is going to be no different.  I try to avoid, if I can, reading the listed scent notes for any candle until after I have started  burning it.  I do this because I want to smell the candle without any placebo effects from the listed notes telling me what I'm supposed to smell.  I want to get the true essence of what the candle is.  Not what they want me to think it is.  Hopefully that makes sense.

On cold smell, I wasn't a big fan of this one.  It had a floral perfume, hard soapy bite to it.  It wasn't all that pleasant but I didn't hate it either.  It's like biting into a lemon.  You like it and don't like it all at the same time.  After cold smell, I kept telling myself that a candle's scent profile can completely change once it is lit, so there was still hope for an excellent candle here.  I had faith that this one would be good.

The listed scent notes for this candle are:

  • beach side oak
  • sea washed mahogany
  • ocean lavender
I definitely picked up on the lavender on cold smell but the rest to me was straight up soap so my initial thought was that this would be great for a bathroom.

After the candle was lit and burned for a bit, I realized I was wrong.  Spoiler alert and I hate to admit it but... I love this candle.

I kept the candle in my office for each burn and I let it burn for about 4 hours each time.  This candle just reaches out and wraps itself around you like a hug from an old friend that has a freshly showered scent lingering on them.  It's very warm and comfortable.  It doesn't assault your nose when you venture into the air that is holding the scent and there's a nice output of scent with this one.

The throw, or scent release, is good.  You know that this candle is there when you walk into the room that it is burning in.  The scent was strong enough to travel out of the office and into the hallway.  There are no concerns about a regular size room being filled with the scent of this candle.  I would even venture enough to say that it just might perform decent in an open concept area, but the scent would be more subtle and not quite as noticeable.

On the first burn, I could smell it start to permeate the air in the room within 30 minutes of it being set on fire.  Within an hour, it was almost to full pool.  Just a sliver around the edge was left and it was at full pool and throwing nicely at the 1 hour, 15 minute mark.  Very nice.

So, what does it smell like when it is burning?

The lavender is present as a nice undertone.  An after thought or after taste.  After you read the rest, you may be as surprised as I was that it actually works here.

Have you ever walked into a wood worker's shop?  Been around when someone is cutting a good quality wood?  You know that sawdust smell that is floating in the air?  I get that as the main scent for this candle.  Fresh cut, high quality wood.  It's very interesting to me because I've never smelled that in a candle before.  I like it.  Surprisingly very much.  Add the lavender as the undertone and this one is great for adding a bit of an interesting scent to the area that you inhabit.

Final Thoughts and Will I Buy This Candle Again?

I mentioned the Homeworx Driftwood candle at the beginning of my review and said that Ocean Driftwood had a big expectation to meet.  Well, it definitely held its own in the driftwood scented candle arena.  They are quite different from each other but both are very nice.  I wouldn't say that I liked one over the other because I like them both.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found the first Bath and Body Works three wick candle that I would be willing to pay $14.50 for without complaining about it.  I still don't think it is worth $24.50 by a long shot but this one, in my opinion, is worth the $14.50 price tag.  When you take the scent, burn performance and scent release into consideration this one does the job that it is expected to.  At $14.50 you will get your money's worth.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this but yes, I will definitely purchase this one again.  On a weekend sale.  A coupon would of course be nice in combination with that $14.50 but I'd pick this one up again without it.

Wow.  That was painful to say.  LOL!

I'll be filming the YouTube review for this one shortly and will post it here once it is completed.

Hope you are having a fantastic day and until next time...

Bath and Body Works Three Wick Aromatherapy Vanilla and Patchouli "Comfort" Candle Review

Is aromatherapy a real thing?  I'm not 100% sure.  What I do know is that for me, a scent can assist me in calming down, sleeping better and just plain ol' relaxing.

Today we are going to take a look at one of the candles in the Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy line.  Specifically the one called "Comfort" which is a blend of vanilla and patchouli.

This one has been in my stash for a while and honestly, I kinda ignored it for a hot minute.  I purchased it on a whim with a few other candles from the aromatherapy line and just put them in the candle closet thinking that one of these days I'll get around to burning it when I'm in the mood for it.

Well... fast forward to a couple of months later and I asked Cory what he was in the mood for in a candle for that afternoon.  He told me to grab something relaxing.  I was a little confused by his answer because I wasn't sure what his definition of something that smells relaxing was.

When I looked at the stacks of Bath and Body Works candles, I noticed the aromatherapy line just sitting there so I pulled a couple of them out and stuck them under his nose to see which one he would choose.  He liked this one and told me that it was right up the alley of what he was in the mood for.

The label on this candle is a bit plain but interesting.  There is a mortar and pestle along with a botanical right above it that gives the impression of a hand crafted item.  The gold lettering matches the mauve color nicely and the candle name in a hand written font is a nice touch.  It almost has the appearance of a hand made candle that you would purchase from an artisan on Etsy, but we all know that these candles are far from handmade or hand poured.  The packaging on this candle really is cute and whimsical.

The lid is black metal and fits the label design nicely.  It also has a large mortar and pestle on it embossed on the top.

I apologize for the cruddy photo of the lid but sometimes these candle lids are really hard to get a good photograph of for different reasons.  This one wanted to throw off a really annoying glare.

The inside of the lid has the usual plastic ring that I always guess is to keep the scent in and keep the candle from drying out when you aren't using it.

On cold smell, the candle has a very powdery smell.  The powder texture hit my nose immediately followed by a complete mix of vanilla and patchouli, but it isn't a true patchouli.  It's like a patchouli tribute.  A watered down version of this very old scent that has been around forever, usually released by burning it in incense or used to perfume the body in essential oil form.

Now a really interesting and fun fact for you today about patchouli is that it is a scent that can be used quite successfully to cover the scent of marijuana smoke.  This is one of the reasons why so many people associate this historical Indian scent with hippies.  They did and still do like their patchouli but it seems that here recently with the comeback of this scent that they are going to have to start sharing it with the rest of us.  I just wish that it was a true patchouli scent and not the after thought of it in this candle.

I know that it is possible to get a true patchouli scent in candles because Renovation Candle Company accomplished it with their large 2 wick vanilla and patchouli candle.  If you love true patchouli, you would like that candle.

We have pratically covered the listed scent notes on this candle without even having to read the listed scent notes.  They are plain and simple.  Vanilla and patchouli.

The first through fourth times that I burned this candle, I didn't do it with the intention of doing a review on it so the burn video is a bit different on this one.  It is a burn video done with the fifth time that this candle has been burned.  The photos are of the second candle that I recently purchased, but I'm refusing to burn it until the first one is completely gone.  Hopefully that isn't too confusing.

This candle was burned for various amounts of time over a couple day period.  The first burn was for about four hours with subsequent burns going from a quick one hour to around three.  Each time this candle reached the full pool in about an hour.

The wicks are nice, but not as thick as the Garden Greenery candle that I recently reviewed.  The thinner wicks held up OK and there have been no surprises that seem to be becoming common with Bath and Body Works candles of them taking it upon themselves to extinguish whenever the whim hits them to do so.  The wicks will mushroom so don't forget to remove them or the wax will get speckled like it is in my burn video because... I forgot.

Scent wise when burning, it has a nice smell in my opinion.  The powdery texture does stay when the candle burns so if you are sensitive to powdery scents, you won't like this one at all.  The powdery scent can, on occasion, be quite overpowering.

The main scent is a nice, creamy vanilla followed by the watered down patchouli.  When I say watered down, the bite that patchouli usually has in the nose is missing here.  It has enough of the scent that you can identify it but it's missing that final snap.

It does oddly enough have the essence of a warm hug.  I know it sounds really odd for me to say that but to me, it does.  I think it's the powdery texture that creates that feeling because when you are in the room it is almost like the powder laden scent clings to you.  It is weird but seriously, it's huggy which in turn is comforting if it doesn't creep you out.

The scent release on this candle will fill a room in about 30ish minutes from the time that you light it.  It gradually gets louder as the candle finishes getting to full pool.  The throw is strong with this one.  You will definitely notice it when you walk into the room that the candle is burning in.  It's like walking through a barrier from unscented air into scented air.  Yes, it's that quick.  For some people, this candle may be a bit too much if burned in a room that only has a door entrance with no air movement.

I would definitely NOT recommend this candle for a room as small as a bathroom or a small bedroom.  In my opinion and experience with this candle, it is way too much for a small room.

This candle was burned once for three hours on the coveted bookcase in the hallway and the scent release wasn't as thick as it was in the enclosed room.  It was there and still noticeable, but definitely not as heavy.

Considering how much scent was released into the room that we burned this one in would tell me that this one more than likely would perform well in an open concept area as long as the ceilings aren't ridiculously high.  It is a strong one with a lot of scent release.  I had to extinguish it a couple of times because it was just becoming too much for me.  Not headache too much but too much powder textured scent that felt like it was making the air in the room quite thick at times.

My Final Thoughts and Will I Buy This Candle Again?

Even though I had to put it out a couple of times and the patchouli is a watered down version, I do like this candle.  The vanilla scent is warm and well done in this one and compliments this candle nicely.

If I burn it in a larger room, like the living room, there is enough space to not crowd the scent release.  This is one of the strongest scented Bath and Body Works candles that I have burned so far and I just simply can not dislike a candle because it has too much scent.  That's crazy.  "It performed so well that I hate it."  NO.  Granted it surprisingly doesn't travel from room to room so this will not scent an entire house but it will throw some serious smells into the room that it is burning in.

I did buy this one again already.  The second one is the one that was used for the pre burn photos in this review.  I like it even if it is a bit loud and obnoxious sometimes.  One thing to remember though, I don't think Bath and Body Works candles are worth their regular $24.50 price tags, ever.  If you like loud and powder then forking out the cash for this candle on sale WITH a coupon wouldn't be a bad decision, unless it is at their new "sale" price of $14.50.  It's really not worth it there either.  It's a nice candle but just not $14.50 or $24.50 nice.

If you want to see more about this candle, you can check it out on the Bath and Body Works Website here.

Do you have this candle in your collection?  If so, what do you think about it?  Let us know in the comments below.

Bath and Body Works Three Wick Aromatherapy "Love" Rose and Vanilla Candle Review

Even though it isn't my ultimate favorite, I do love a good floral scent in a candle as long as it isn't that fake chemical floral scent.  In all of the years that I have been burning candles, to me, rose scent is the one that companies jack up the most.  So I have to warn you up front that it's very possible that I may not care for this scent at all.  I am reviewing it though because I want to review the entire line of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy candles and this one is part of that line.

Recently, I did a review on the Nest Fragrances Rose Noir and Oud three wick candle that was just amazing.  The Nest candle wasn't overwhelming with a fake, chemical rose smell so we'll see how this one measures up to it.

I purchased two of these candles from the Bath and Body works website when they were running, and I use the term "sale" loosely here, their $14.50 candle sale.  I had a $10 off when you spend $30 coupon and since I wasn't interested in any of their other products, I purchased three candles.  Add in their $5.99 shipping and the 7% Indiana sales tax and the $10 coupon pretty much covered tax and shipping for a final cost of $14.17 per candle.

So let's start on the outside and work our way in, shall we?

The labels on these Aromatherapy candles are all very close in appearance.  The only difference is the name of the candle and the background color.  They all have the mortar and pestle, candle name
in a handwriting font and a botanical.  This one has a cabbage rose which I'm guessing is possibly the type of rose scent that they are trying to bring out in this candle.  The labels are reminiscent of, or a mock up of a hand poured or hand made candle from an artisan when these candles are clearly not hand made or hand poured or made by an artisan.  The label is definitely cute though.

The lid on this one is different than the rest of the candles in the Aromatherapy line in that it is the Bath and Body Works generic black candle lid.  Metal with the name, Bath and Body Works, in raised letters across the top.

This one also has the plastic ring on the inside that will seal the candle up when you aren't using it.  My guess has always been that the plastic rings may be there to keep the scent from evaporating and the candle from drying out when they aren't being used.

The wicks on this candle looked good before they were lit.  Nice, ample and like there won't be any problems with them.

This candle has white wax which means that if or when it mushrooms while burning, you'll want to remove the mushroom tops before lighting it again.  Otherwise you'll end up with what looks like pepper in the wax or it can even turn the wax a really icky color.

One thing that I seem to ALWAYS forget to mention when reviewing these candles is the listed burn times.  The Bath and Body Works three wick candles have an advertised burn time of 25 to 45 hours.  There are a lot of things that can have an effect on the burn time of a candle including air movement in the area where the candle is placed while burning.

Now we can move on to the scents.  Specifically cold smell first.

The name of the candle sort of gives away the listed scent profile of this candle.  Kind of.

What you see on the label says that this candle is rose and vanilla.  The listed scent notes are rose oil and vanilla extract.

Technically their label on the front isn't a flat out misdirect but if you look at the label where it says " with natural essential oils" under the scent of rose and vanilla, most people are going to be led to believe that the vanilla scent in this candle is essential oil when it just isn't.  It's extract and I'm nit picking on that but as a reviewer, that what I'm supposed to do.

Now that my nit picking is done, lets move on.

On cold smell this one straight up smells like that fake rose scent.  It reminds me of those old gel floral perfumes that Avon used to sell.  (Yes, I was exposed to a lot of Avon when I was a kid!  LOL!)  I feel like I could dip my finger into the candle wax and rub it on the inside of my wrists and if it would transfer, no one would be any wiser in thinking it was that old Avon putty like perfume.

I don't hate it but I think the only reason that I don't hate it is because of that memory.  I get a VERY slight tinge of vanilla mixed with the rose at the end but not much.  I wouldn't even call it an after thought here.

Again, the scent on cold smell can be a lot different when the candle is burning, so let's check that out.    

This candle received five burns averaging three hours each.  The first burn was on the bookcase by the window in the hallway.  That is where the majority of the burn video for this candle was filmed because I didn't feel like dragging my filming lights out that day.  I let it burn for three hours before putting it out.

Second and fifth burns were on the bookcase that I normally film on that is in the middle of my crazy long hallway.  The candle burned for two to three hours there and I did do some of the filming for the burn video there.

Third burn was in my office.  I burned it in there on the third burn wondering if I could stand the rose scent.  I let it go for 3 hours.

Finally, the forth burn was in the bedroom to see what the scent release would be in an enclosed room.  The candle burned for two hours that time around.

On the first burn the candle did pretty good.  It made it to almost a full pool in about an hour.  There was just a small bit of wax around the edge that hadn't melted at that point.  Scent release wise, I actually smelled it the first time when I walked back up to the candle to hit the record button about 10 minutes in.  This candle does have scent release.  How much depended on where it was burning at.

The scent was still rocking but I noticed something that I really need to point out.  The candle's wax changed color from white to a grody looking gray.  The gray wax in the photo was the wax that had pooled out in the previous burn that I did on this candle.  

My earlier suspicions were correct.  It is straight up chemical, fake rose smell.  When I say fake rose, it's kind of like the difference between eating a real, ripe and juicy orange and eating a piece of orange flavored hard candy.  Your brain tells you that both are orange flavored but one is the real deal and one is fake.  This candle is the orange hard candy in that scenerio.  I don't hate it and I can tolerate it but I really don't care for it very much at all.

The scent release on this candle is good, but not stellar.  It did well in the bedroom and there was no missing the scent when you walked into the room.  I don't expect a Bath and Body Works candle to scent an entire house and this one does do a good job with a single room.  In other places, sometimes it was subtle, other times it was obnoxious.  Open concept floor plans will definitely be hit or miss with this one.

Final Thoughts and Will I Buy This Candle Again?

The quick answer on buying it again is NO.  The reasons why will wrap this review up.

One is that I don't like the scent.  The scent release is adequate, but the scent is a chemical fake rose scent that I'm simply not a fan of at all.

Second it that I don't believe for a second that a Bath and Body Works candle is worth $14.50.  I'll admit that I purchased this candle to experience it and review it but since I do more online purchasing than in store, any coupons are really null for me since I have to pay $5.99 shipping.  In the end, that adds to the price of the candles so it's a no for me.

If you want to take a closer look at this candle, you can see it on their website here.

Unfortunately I just really didn't care for this one at all.

Do you have any experience with this candle?  If so, let me know what your thoughts are on it in the comment section below.

Bath and Body Works White Barn Garden Greenery Three Wick Spring Candle Review

At the time of this review, this candle is only available for purchase on the Bath and Body Works website.  I sincerely hope that they move this one into stores soon because online only puts you into the "having to pay for shipping" trap which depending on how large your order is, it can add a dollar or two to the price of each item that you purchase.

I purchased this candle on the Bath and Body Works website for $14.50.  A bit pricey for a B&BW candle if you ask me.  The regular price on these candles is $24.50 which I would NEVER pay because they are so iffy when it comes to burn performance and the amount of scent release that they have.  Some are great.  Some are middle of the road.  Most are... not so much.

The packing for shipping was surprisingly very good with this order.  I always comment on how this company hires gremlins and two year old children to package their items for shipping.  Of course I'm joking when I say that but their packing for shipping is usually awful resulting in broken candles during transit.  This time wasn't the case.  Everything was wrapped well and survived the trip.

So let's talk about the container on this candle.  I think it is gorgeous.  It's obviously very botanical because of the name, Garden Greenery.  The black background really sets off the plants that are pictured which include different types of basil in various growth stages and garden mint.  The label goes all the way around the candle and is very well done.

The lid is black and is embossed with "White Barn" across the top.

Of course it has the plastic ring on the inside of the lid that I've always suspected is to keep the scent in and to keep the candle from drying out when it isn't being used.

I didn't pay much attention to this candle's scent notes when I purchased it because by looking at the label and the name, it's obviously supposed to at least partially smell like basil and mint in combination with complementing scents.

Now, I always tell you what the listed scent notes are, because they are listed.  I try to smell the candle without looking at the listed notes because I think the listed scent notes can have influence on what you smell instead of what is really there.  They can influence your brain by telling it what you are supposed to smell.  Hopefully that makes sense.

The scent notes on this candle are pretty simple.
  • sweet apricot
  • fresh basil
  • bright mint leaves
  • essential oils
I'm a bit perplexed why "essential oils" is listed and what exactly does that mean?  I thought these Bath and Body Works candles were scented with essential oils.  What kind of essential oils are they referring to?  Call me crazy but that sounds like an open door to me.

On cold smell, this candle really reminds me of a nice, fresh and summery fruit salad.  I do sometimes use basil or mint in my fruit salads.  If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it because it takes a fruit salad to another level.  Especially the mint.

I get a mix of a peachy smell with basil.  I'm not picking anything else up on cold at all.  Just juicy ripe, maybe slightly perfectly overripe peach and basil.  BUT, I will always remind you that a candle can smell completely different once you light it and it pools out than it does when you smell it cold.

The wicks looks good and meaty on this candle which is good because sometimes Bath and Body Works candles will get puny wicks that will cause the candle wicks to randomly extinguish themselves.  Hopefully these wicks are substantial enough to not do that.  

The first burn for this candle happened on the usual bookcase in the crazy long hallway in my house.  The candle got to full pool with no issues at around the 90 minute mark.  The hallway became lightly and pleasantly scented with the botanical smell that this candle was releasing.

On the second burn, I brought this candle into the office.  Again, it had no problem getting into a full pool in a timely manner.  It didn't take long for me to notice the scent after the candle was lit and if I walked out of the room, when I came back in, the scent was there and it was really nice.

Third burn was on the other bookcase in the hallway.  Again, same as the first two.  It didn't take long for the candle to get to full pool and start to release the scent.  The scent hung out in the general area where the candle was burning but it did go a bit into the kitchen because the kitchen door is only a few feet away from that bookcase.

Fourth burn, Houston, we have a problem.  The wax on this candle gets nasty about 3/4 of the way through.  It has no effect on the scent, scent release or the burn itself, but it sure isn't pretty at all.  If something like this bothers you then this might just be a deal breaker.  That wax started out white and now looks like there is black and white marble in it.  It is probably because of the smoke that I'll tell you about here in just a sec.

The scent release on the Bath and Body Works Garden Greenery three wick candle is adequate.  It will fill a room rather quickly with no problem.  There was no struggle in any of the burns that I did on this candle.

I do have to add one very important negative about this candle though.  If you blow it out instead of using the lid to extinguish it, it smokes like CRAZY.  Candle smoke over time can lead to discoloration of walls and other things in your house because they become covered in a sooty coating.  It won't happen with the occasional candle that does this but repeated use of smoky candles gets REALLY messy. 

So what is the scent when this candle is burning?  I get the basil first.  It's close to what real, freshly chopped genovese basil smells like, but without that sharpness.  The peach smell that has now transformed into apricot cuts that sharpness.  My guess is that's the reason why they chose the apricot scent for this candle.  It does that job nicely because I'm sure that the sharpness of basil would be a bit unpleasant for some people.  I do get a slight minty undertone in this candle but it's almost like an afterthought.  The mint is a great compliment undertone to this candle and rounds it out quite nicely.

As far as the listed essential oils, I have nothing there.  It makes me wonder if they just added it to the list to have a fourth listed scent note to make the candle sound more interesting scent wise.    

My Final Thoughts and Will I Buy This Candle Again?

I like this one.  It performed well with no wick or burn problems other than the icky looking wax toward the end and the smoke if it is blown out instead of extinguished with the lid.  It got to full wax pool in a timely manner and I think, at least for me, the scent release was just right.

Full blown raw basil can be a hit to the nose if you aren't used to it.  I like the addition of the apricot to calm that loud basil scent down.  The sweetness of the apricot with the mint undertone is a nice combination for the "after taste" on this candle.  Nothing is loud or overpowering.  It is a light scent that is very noticeable but not "bam in your face" when you walk into wherever the candle is burning.

Scent release (or throw) wise, I think this candle is perfect.  Not too much but just enough.  This is a scent that will be great for summer in the kitchen.  It will scent a room but don't expect it to scent an entire house.  Open concept floor plans may cause the candle to struggle with throw but other than that, I can't think of anything else that would prevent this candle from delivering a good performance.

As far as purchasing this candle again, yes.  I would purchase this one again.  I really do like it.  Bath and Body Works did a good job with this one from the label to the scent balance and strength to the wicks.  If only they did something to stop that sooty smoke when it is blown out that I'm pretty sure causes the wax ick.  But, it's a decent one in my opinion, but a good one at less than the $14.50 sale price tag.  This candle is not worth $14.50.  I'd wait for a deeper sale or a sale where you can drop a coupon on top of it.  It is NO where near worth the original $24.50 price tag.  In my opinion, the original price on these candles is laughable and ridiculous because none of them give a $24.50 performance.  At least none of them that I have had over the years.  Just a little food for thought there.

If you want to check this candle out on the website, you can find it here.

Do you have this candle?  If so, share your impressions about your experience with it in the comments below.   

Nest Fragrances Rose Noir & Oud Three Wick Candle Review

I fell in love with Nest Fragrances the first time I lit one of their candles and the scent permeated my nose.  If you aren't familiar with Nest, they are a high end fragrance company that manufacturers home fragrances like candles and wood diffuses along with a selection of women's perfumes.  Their scents are unique and very pleasant, not your run of the mill Bath and Body Works basic vanilla, cinnamon or fakey cologne scent and Yankee Candle isn't even in the same universe as Nest Fragrances.

The company is owned by Laura Slatkin.  Yes, she is the wife of Harry Slatkin that owns the Homeworx candle line.

January of 2019 really seemed to be uneventful with new home fragrance releases.  Yes, Yankee Candle released their scent of the year (yawn) and Homeworx released and re-released a few selections for spring, but other than that, not much was going on.  I was on a Nest candle ordering spree and stumbled on this new release, Rose Noir & Oud.  It instantly drew me in to the candle thinking about the combination of oud and rose.  Yum.

If you aren't familiar with oud, let me give you a quick run down of what this scent is because of its rarity, expense and misunderstanding of where this fragrance comes from.  It is one of the rarest and most expensive scents on the planet.  It is the resin that agar trees produce when they become infected with a particular type of mold.  It can sell for up to $30,000.00 per kilogram depending on how pure it is.  It has a very musky, unique scent that people either love or hate.  There really is no middle ground with oud.  I personally love it and that's the short version of this rare and expensive scent ingredient and what it really is.    

The scent notes on this candle are listed as:
  • rose de mai
  • smoky oud
  • incense
  • black leather
  • patchouli
The combination sounds deep, woodsy and very masculine to me.  Yes, rose can be masculine if it is done correctly to BE masculine.  The million dollar question is... does this candle deliver?  We are definitely going to find out.

I ordered the 21.1oz three wick version from Sephora for $68.00.  Why not the three wick?  Go big or stay home.  I want the full experience of these Nest candles and the 8oz. Sahara Spice that I just finished simply left me wanting more because it performed so well and the scent was amazing.

Sephora needs to improve their packaging of these candles for shipping because the box on this one was damaged.  If I were giving it as a gift, I would have been quite annoyed by this.  As it is, I'm not that concerned but we will see if it happens again.  On a side note, it did arrive within a few days but I do have their flash shipping service because of how often I order things from them.

The cold smell on this candle is enchanting and alluring.  This is one that you will want to completely and deeply inhale the scent on.  As the air and ingredients enter your nose, you will get a defined separation of the layers of scent in this candle.  

This candle on cold smell is a beautiful balance of the coolness of the rose de mai appearing first followed by the warmth of the oud and as I continue to inhale the scent, the patchouli follows with a small bite to the nose.  I don't get the leather on cold smell but as we all know, the scent on a candle usually changes once we light it.

The one scent note that puzzles me on this one is the incense.  Incense within itself can be a variety of fragrances so I'm not sure where its place is in this candle.  My guess at this point before burning it would be the presence of the essence of incense and not actual incense.  The scent texture as it enters the nose.

The container that this candle is poured into is the classic Nest container.  I do really appreciate these thick glass vessels.  They are very well made and substantial but I wouldn't expect anything less than that from Nest.  The frosted stripe pattern is simple and simple is good with these candles because the scent speaks for them.  They are elegant and will match just about any decor from minimalist to modern.  The only thing about this brand, is that I wish they made lids that would fit the three wick candles.  Currently they only offer a lid for the 8oz one wick.

Now we can get into the burn and scent performance of the Nest Rose Noir & Oud candle.

I am holding this candle to a higher standard than I do cheaper brands since Nest is marketed as a luxe candle brand.  For $68.00, I expect a stellar performance but we'll see if it delivers.

This candle was placed on the bookcase in the odd hallway for the first burn, for filming the burn video and taking the photos for this review.  I am able to get a really good idea on the scent release when I burn a candle there.

Within one hour, the candle was completely pooled out.  One hour.

The scent was drifting through the house.  I could smell it on and off in the office but when I got up to go into the hallway, it was everywhere.  It had went into the living room and literally wrapped around into the dining room.  It wasn't subtle either, it was immediately detectable when I passed through the doorway from the kitchen into the dining room.

I allowed this candle to burn for three hours the first time and the performance was definitely worthy of the price tag.

The second burn was on the bookcase at the other end of my ridiculous hallway.  Again I gave it a three hour burn.  The scent traveled throughout the hallway and was detectable in all of the rooms that have doorways into the hallway.  These rooms include the kitchen, the office, two bedrooms and the living room again.

In other words, I burned the candle in a different location and it scented the entire floor of the house with the exception of one room.  That was impressive.

For the third and forth burns, I took it into the dining room.  I wanted to know exactly how far the scent goes with this one.  I don't think I really have to tell you again that this candle is impressive when it comes to scent release.  It has no problems at all letting go of the oils and giving you exactly what you have paid for.

I have to also add that this candle is not a fast burner.  Each location that I burned it had no real air movement to interfere with this burn time.  Considering at the 15 hour mark it wasn't down as far as a lot of candles are at that point, this one will provide many hours of pleasurable scent and ambiance for you.

The scent when burning is quite a bit different than it is on cold smell.  The rose is there but it is cut by the rich and woody smell of the oud.  The patchouli still makes an appearance as an undertone that compliments the woody oud quite nicely.  We finally have identified the incense and my suspicions were correct.  It gives the scent texture and a bit of a smoky smell.  Not smoky like when wood is burning but a soft smoky texture.  The black leather does make an appearance but it is very subtle.  Like an undertone.  It adds a bit of an aftertaste in scent that is rich, supple and beautiful.

To me, the scent while burning this candle is a trip into masculine richness.  Not monetary richness but the rich essence of masculinity itself.    It is a very pleasant smell and there is a lot of it.  It sparks no memories for me so to me this is a truly unique scent that I love and enjoy very much.

As a final note, my house is not open concept.  All of the rooms are closed off from each other and only accessible through doorways.  As I said earlier, this candle did well at scenting multiple rooms and in an area that isn't open concept, that says a lot about the quality of a candle.

My Final Thoughts on Rose Noir & Oud and Will I Buy it Again?

I do think this candle is quite nice.  It burns very well and the scent release is excellent but I think that is because there is adequate scent oils added to the wax and it completely pools out within an hour which says a lot about Nest Rose Noir & Oud.

Yes, this candle does have a larger price tag than many other candle brands, but it is a luxury brand and it does provide a luxury performance.  It's the difference between purchasing a Bath & Body Works body spray and purchasing Chanel perfume.  There is a noticeable difference between the two in both price and quality.  You really do get what you pay for with this one.

In other words, if you want quality, you will get it with this candle.

As far as purchasing this candle again, absolutely.  Without hesitation.  It delivers a great performance in everything that I want and expect from a scented candle and the scent is very unique when it is burning.  It isn't a fast burner either which means it will last a significant amount of time.  To me the $68.00 price tag is definitely worth it and I will be purchasing this one on a regular basis.

You can see my YouTube review in this video...

If you are interested in this candle, you can purchase it on Amazon here, or directly from Nest Fragrances here.

Have you ever burned a Nest candle?  More specifically, have you ever burned the Rose Noir & Oud candle?  If so, share you experience with it in the comments below.

Homeworx by Harry Slatkin Spring 2019 Driftwood 4 Wick Candle Review

I caved.  I had made up my mind that I wasn't going to purchase any of the Homeworx candles that were released for spring, but I caved.

So, sitting at my computer, the thought ran through my brain... I wonder if Homeworx has released anything new yet.  Since I review candles, I should probably at least go and take a look.

Drifting over to the QVC website, I kept thinking that I just want to look.  I'm not going to purchase anything.  I'm just looking.  Then I see this candle duo and my plan went to hell in a hand basket.  Darn it.  :)

I put the set of two Driftwood candles in the cart and walked away.  Then I came back.  Then I walked away.  Finally I came back and went through with the purchase.  Then the waiting starts and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that QVC has no urgency in their shipping.  It felt like forever even though delivery was quick for them.  It took a week when it usually takes almost two.

Homeworx has mastered the art of packaging candles for shipping.  Both candles were completely surrounded in hard foam to protect them from any jostling around during shipping.  I have yet to receive a Homeworx candle that had any flaws that would have been created by shipping.  HUGE kudos to them for that alone!  (Yes Bath & Body Works, I'm GLARING at YOU and your gremlins.)

So, lets talk about the candle label and packaging.

These candles have a photo of a beach at sunset on them with large pieces of driftwood in the foreground.  The photo label wraps completely around the candle.  I like the label because it has a beautiful glow when the candle has burned down and is lit.  The ambiance is there with this one once it has burned for a while.

The container is that usual thick and substantial glass that the company uses for these types of candles.  It has a lot of weight to it.  I'm talking enough weight that you could seriously injure someone if you clocked them in the head with it.  Like I said in my Truffle candle review, don't set this willy nilly on a shelf unless you know for sure that it can handle the weight.  I personally love these glass containers.

The lid is the typical silver Homeworx lid.  These lids are always super shiny and are very prone to fingerprints that can drive a clean freak into the nuthouse.  I do like the design but I don't mind wiping fingerprints off.

So... how about that cold smell?

With this one, cold smell was definitely interesting.  There was a lot of excitement and anxiety running through my veins when this candle set arrived that stemmed from the fall and winter collection issues that pop up with some of those candles.  My fingers were crossed in my mind as I lifted the lid to take my first whiff.

The scent that went up my nose and into my brain was very easy for me to identify and describe.  It was dead on vintage Avon perfume.  You will know what I'm referring to here when I ask you if you have ever picked up and smelled the contents or residue of a vintage Avon bottle that is shaped like a race car or poodle.  That's what this candle smelled like to me on cold smell.

Now my hubs always has the pleasure of me shoving any new candle that arrives in the mail straight up into his face and telling him to smell it.  He plays along because it's always the same ritual.  I ask him what he smells and he answers me.  His answer this time was a bit comical to me.  He looked at me with a really puzzled look on his face and told me that it smells like what he remembers his grandmother smelling like.

At this point, I thought that this candle was probably going to be in trouble with the review based on what we were smelling on cold smell.  BUT, I've said it before and I'll say it again... a candle can smell quite different when you light it on fire than it smells when it is cold.  This one is a prime example of that.

The scent notes listed on this candle are:
  • sun-drenched wood
  • sandalwood
  • jasmine
  • verbena
So now it's time for me to set it on fire.  This is usually when I get a good look at the wicks on any candle that I'm going to review.

Many of the candles in the fall and winter collection from Homeworx did have some burn issues and it stemmed from the wicks.  The way I understand it is that the wicks were smaller since the candles were changed over from three wicks to four wicks in order to help preserve the burn time.  The result was puny wicks that just didn't burn hard enough.  That's my understanding of the situation. 

I can say that when I looked at the wicks on this candle, it was apparent right off the bat that these weren't the same wicks that they used for the fall and winter collections.  The wicks on this candle are braided and thicker.  The million dollar question is if they provide a better burn and better scent release.

Of course I did a burn video that shows the first burn that I did on this candle.  You'll see more of the later burns when I post my video review on YouTube.

Burn wise this candle did not disappoint me.  I chose to burn it the first time on the bookcase in my freakishly large and long hallway.  This area of the house gives me a really good idea on how much scent a candle actually releases when it is burned.

After the first burn, I moved the candle around the house for the other four burns.  It was in the office twice, the dining room and on the bookcase at the other end of the hallway that is by the kitchen entrance.  Driftwood burned really well no matter where I moved it to in the house.  There were surprisingly no mushroom tops on the wicks and the wax was at a full pool within two hours of lighting it each time.

The wax on this candle does change color after burning it the first time from the darker blue to a lighter blue.  No big deal and it has no bearing on the performance of the candle but I just thought I'd mention that.  I also want to mention that when it is pooled out it turns into the most beautiful midnight, almost black, shade of blue.  That combined with the colors in the label and the nice size flames makes this candle very pleasing to the eye when it is burning in a lower light setting.

Scent wise... this candle does have quite a bit of scent release.  It didn't scent my entire house.  My home is over 80 years old and it is not open concept.  The longer it burns, the more scent it releases and it is really strong if you are sitting within a few feet of the candle.  Almost too strong.  The scent will fill a room.

As a final note on Driftwood, the scent when it is burning is so much better than when it is cold.  No vintage Avon perfume smell at all.  I get the sandalwood with an undertone of the jasmine and verbena.  I take the listed scent notes on a candle as more of a guide than the truth but on this one, they hit their list quite well.  It's a pleasant smell that I really do like a lot.  It will fill a room with ease, but it is loud if you stay close to it. 

My Final Thoughts on Homeworx Driftwood and Will I Buy it Again?

I didn't have a lot of the issues that people were complaining about with the fall and winter candles from last year except for the occasional disappointment with the lack of scent that was released with some of the Homeworx candles.  On the flip side, I don't review or even get around to burning every candle from every brand that I purchase in a timely enough manner to post a review because I do get a LOT of candles every month.  If I did all of the reviews, I would never get anything else done.

That said, I did definitely notice a substantial difference between the performance of this candle versus some of the four wick candles from last year.  The scent in this candle is much louder and wants to let you know that it is there.  The wicks are noticeably thicker than last year's four wicks which always improves the burn which in turn improves the scent throw if the scent is adequate in the candle.  Driftwood does a good job in a single room but won't scent the entire house.

As far as caving and making the purchase, I'm glad I did.  When I read the scent notes on this candle, I was intrigued by the listed scent combination.  It definitely works and the combination does surprisingly spark memories of my Hawaiian vacations in my mind.  I'm not sure how that works.  Maybe it's the candle name or the photo on the front in combination with the floral undertones of the candle but it does take me there and I enjoy that.

More than likely I will purchase this set of 2 candles again.  I'm a bit leery of the current price tag of $39.98 (it's actually $45.48 because of the shipping charge) which equates to $20.00 per candle, but if and when they go on clearance or a deeper sale I would buy another set to have in my candle hoard.

Have you purchased and burned these candles yet?  If so, let me know what your thoughts are on them in the comments below.